I did get in some stitchin this past week but not enough to show.
Last week the question of "How Do You Store Your Fabrics" was asked, so I thought I would post a few pictures of how I store my stitchy stuff. Storage ideas and containers can come from so many places.

These are the under-bed storage boxes that I keep my Aida's, Linen's/Evenweaves, and Hand-dyed fabrics in. All of the hand-dyed fabrics I dyed myself.

I keep them stacked on top of other stitchy/crafty storage , and next to my DMC cabinets where I keep all of my extra DMC and Caron threads.

This is where I keep all of my Caron Wildflowers and Watercolors threads. It is just a medicine cabinet that had a broken back that I replaced with peg board.

And this is my Kreinik storage. These are shotgun shell holders that you can get at most sporting goods store's and they work great. I took a couple of spools with me to make sure they fit and got a few strange looks from men in that area of the store.

And here is how I keep all of my DMC solids and my Mill Hill beads. Yep a Plano fishing tackle box. The plano boxes even have room for more threads if DMC decides to add more colors. Those CraftMates storage containers fit perfectly in the top area, I have nine of them stored in there.
A Fond Farewell to ThumperOn Saturday, June 6th my Cockatiel Thumper (yes he was named after the bunny in Bambi) decided that 25 years was long enough and decided to fly over the Ranibow Bridge. I will miss him.
Wishing everyone a great week and hope you had nice weekend. Thank you all for your comments and encouragement on my posts, they really do mean a lot to me. Talk to you later.