Here's my latest design, I stitched this up for either my mother or mother-in-law,
not sure which one yet, I need to stitch up another design and finish both off
then I should be able to decide.
I'm thinking of putting a charm in the middle to personalize it a bit.
not sure which one yet, I need to stitch up another design and finish both off
then I should be able to decide.
I'm thinking of putting a charm in the middle to personalize it a bit.

Designer: Sandy Longan-MillerFinished: January 20, 2012
Stitched on 28ct. cream Lugana using DMC #8 & #12 pearl cotton in 712
& Mill Hill Petite Seed Beads.
MY DH has been on jury duty all this week, luckily work pays for the
first week you have to be on the jury then you have to start using
PTO (Personal Time Off) aka, vacation hours if it goes longer.
The jury is supposed to be convening today so hopefully the judge will agree
with their decision and it should be over by Friday.
This is the first time in 30 years that he's been selected for jury duty
and of course, out of 47 people he got to be one of the lucky 18.
He was not a happy camper.
Well that's it for now, thank you for stopping by and leaving a piece of yourself behind,
I love and appreciate all of the comments you add, they brighten my day so much.
Take Care & Happy Stitchin' Everyone
Hugs, Sandy