Welcome to the show everyone.
Are you ready to try your hand at making a "Strawberry Pinkeep/Pincushion" ?
If you are, here is my oh so simple pattern for you to use.
First off you need to gather up your supplies.
9" x 9" piece of cross stitch fabric (any count or type)
1 skein of embroidery floss
3" x 14" piece or 1/8 yd. of cotton fabric or 1 piece of felt for the leaves
8" to 12" of cording, ribbon, yarn, etc. for hanger
9" x 9" piece of light weight fusible interfacing
18" of 24 gauge wire
9" diameter paper plate
strong sewing thread, pearl cotton or crochet cotton
Filling of your choice: Sand, Emery, crushed Walnut Shells or Fiberfill
tacky glue
pencil & ruler
sewing machine

1. After you have finished your stitching iron the fusible interfacing to the back (wrong side) of the fabric. Using the ruler and pencil mark a line 1/2" away from your stitching on the diagonal edge. (aka: corner to corner) and draw a line. Cut along the line.

2. Fold or cut the paper plate in half and line up the cut edge of the plate with the cut edge of the fabric. Make sure that your stitching is centered and that the edges of the paper are no closer than 1/2" from your stitching all around. Using the pencil, trace the arc of the plate onto the fabric and cut out out along the line.

3. Match up the straight edge of your piece along the stitching, right sides together and pin in place. The stitching should abut/touch, but not overlap. Sew the long edge using a 1/2" seam allowance, make sure the stitching is lined up properly, then trim the seam allowance to 1/4". Turn right side out.

4. Using the strong thread and turning the edge under 1/4" as you go, sew a gathering/basting stitch by hand all the way around the top edge. Make sure you leave two thread tails around 3" long for pulling. Pull the tails of your thread to loosely gather the top of the strawberry. Fill with your filling material and top the filling with a circle of fabric to help hold the filler inside. Gather the top tightly and tie off the thread, making sure to leave a small opening for the hanger and leaves stem.

5. Make a template for a simple oval leaf. Trace ten (10) of the leaves on to the cotton fabric. Cut them out. Cut the 24 gauge wire into five (5) 3-1/2" pieces. Using the tacky glue, lay a thin line of glue around the edge of the leaf and down the center on the wrong side of the fabric. Set the wire in the center of the leaf approx. 1/4" from the top. Lay the second leaf half on top of the first leaf, wrong sides together, and press in place. Set aside to dry. Repeat with the remaining leaves. You should have five (5) leaves.
6. While you are waiting for the leaves to dry make your hanger. I've used twisted cording and jute that I braided, but you can use whatever catches your fancy. Make sure that your hanger is between 8" and 12" long. Fold your hanger in half and knot the ends together. This will be placed inside the top of your strawberry and stitched or glued in place at the back seam.

7. After the leaves are dry trim the edges to remove any stray threads and uneven sides. I used pinking shears for this. Gather up the leaves and twist the wire stems together tightly. Trim the stem to 1/4" to 1/2" long. Cover in glue and insert in the top center of your strawberry. (You can poke a small hole in the fabric for the stem to set in) Set it aside to dry. (You may want to pin it to hold it in place) After drying arrange the leaves how you want them and glue them around the top edge if necessary to help cover the gathers.

8. There you have it, you just finished your first Strawberry Pinkeep/Pincushion.
I don't have paper plates at my house so I just found a lid in the right size and traced that onto paper for my template.
Remember that the count of your fabric will change the finished size of your Strawberry, so you may need to adjust the size of your template.
I found that crochet cotton is the best for the gathering stitches as the first knot will stay in place while you make the second one. Sewing thread and pearl cotton or floss can start to come loose.
Well, there you go folks.
I hope you have as much fun making yours as I did mine and if you have any questions my e-mail address is in my profile.
I'll try to answer them the best I can.
Take Care & Happy Stitching