Thought I would join in and maybe others will as well, stop by her blog for details.
What thread do you usually stitch with? I mostly use DMC threads, I occasionally use Caron Wildflower threads and rarely use silk threads.
When you shop for threads, do you buy on impulse or
do you buy only what you need? It depends on the threads, if it's DMC and it's on sale I will buy colors that I need duplicates of and always extra white, black and ecru.
How do you sort it? I always sort by numerical order. I use a swatch card with actual floss samples for color blending or matching.
How do you store your thread? in use DMC on bobbins in my Plano tackle box. Extras in wood DMC boxes I got when our Ben Franklin closed I also store my in use Perle Cotton balls, extra #5 perle cotton, & Caron threads. I store in use Caron, Weeks, GAST, #5 Perle Cotton and misc. threads in plastic bags on rings. I store Kreinik spools in plastic 12 gauge shotgun shell boxes.
What tips do you have for building a stash? Shop sales and buy threads you love.
How much is too much? There's such a thing as to much thread? That's CRAZY talk!!!
How do you whittle your stash down when it's gotten
too large? I will sell off or give away threads I don't like, otherwise I just stitch from what I have.
Do you have a current favorite in your stash?
Let’s see it! I love DMC Variegated #115, this has been a favorite of mine for years.
DMC Variegated #115 |
Take Care & Happy Stashin' Everyone
Hugs, Sandy
DMC Variegated & Color Varitions |
Kreinik |
Various Threads and Perle Cottons |
In use DMC Solids |
DMC Floss Boxes |