Sandra Longan Designs (Items For Sale)

Sunday, February 11, 2024

What I've Been Doing

 Hey there everyone.

I'm still around and living life. 

I had a brief few months last year of wanting to cross stitch, but that has seemed to have faded into the background yet again.

My bestie, her daughter and granddaughter thought that going to a Brew's & Brushes event would be fun, so my bestie thought I should go along too.

So far we have gone to two different ones and she is now trying to plan one at her home to paint a scene that we all love.


Here are the two I have done so far.

First is Highland Cow.

Next is I'd Hang The Moon For You

I really enjoyed the time spent with friends and they didn't turn out to bad for never having painted anything that wasn't a solid color.

I've been up to a few other crafty things, but I don't have any pictures yet. 

Whatever it takes to keep away the boardum and lonely grief thoughts. But I have been having more good days than bad. It's a process to work through.

Until next time.....

Take Care Everyone 

Hugs, Sandy


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave your thoughts behind. They are truly appreciated and help keep me motivated to continue doing the things I love.