All the windows are washed and opened to air out the house and almost everything else has been dusted, scrubbed, vacuumed and fabreezed.
It's looking better, but I don't touch certain places unless I want to hear "What Did You Do With ????" from my DH. So that has to wait until I can get him to sort through his stuff, ie: magazines, papers, catalogs......etc.

I've been doing some stitchin, but our camera broke so I can't take any pictures, but we will be going shopping on Saturday so we'll get one then, and maybe my piece will be done by then.
A lot of plants are coming up in our planting beds around the yard. We have Hostas, Ferns, Tulips, Grape Hyacinth, Hens & Chicks, Lupine, Crocus and more. Here are a few pictures that I took before the camera died.