We took another trip into the Pryor Mountains on the 19th and DH didn't check the weather, so a storm had moved in and soaked the mountains for a slip-sliddin' good time and a filthy Jeep. Still had a nice drive with lot's of wild flowers blooming and getting to see a few of the wild horses that roam around up there.
The horses are descendant's of the original horses brought by the Spanish to the New World.
To keep the heard healthy the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) does treat any of the injuries the horses get and they have an adoption program for some of the horses to keep the heard manageable. You have to follow STRICT guidelines set by the BLM to be able to adopt one of the horses including letting the BLM come to your property to do regular welfare checks on the horse(s). Failure to follow them results in the BLM taking the horse back and you not being allowed to adopt another and they will also take legal action. These horses are very well protected by the BLM and the state. Wish I had the property for one or two.