Sandra Longan Designs (Items For Sale)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

A Very Crappy Stitching Week

Oh what an amazingly CRAPPY!! stitching week I had.

I started three different stitchy smalls last week and all I did was stitch & rip, stitch & rip, stitch & rip until I finally gave into the "Stitching Rage" I was feeling and pulled out my fabric shears.
Stitching Rage and big sharp scissors are not a good combination as the picture below will show.

I should have just put all of the stitching away.
Oh well, that one didn't survive but I have two more that escaped the rage and I will try again this week and see how it goes with them.
Maybe I should hide my all four pair of my fabric shears, no because then I'll really need them and not be able to find them.
Guess I'll just have to hope & pray for a better stitching week.

Take Care & Happy Stitching to you all ... Sandy


  1. You have my sympathies I had 3 projects in a row end up in the garbage can :)

  2. Oh CUT IT OUT now, we all have days/weeks like that. You just never know when the frogs will hop into your stitching. Take a deep breath and pull the needle through and jab the little bullies until all they hop off. or something. Seem that stitching days come and go and on the good days we can accomplish so much. Well, have fun.
    Be always in stitches

  3. Sorry to hear that your stitching has been giving you fits. I hope by cutting up one project you have it out of your system. Put the other two away and go get something completely different and start that one. You'll see a new start always helps me.

    Hope your week is better.

  4. Hugs Sandy, those frogs get everywhere I had to rip, rip, rip today too...

  5. Sorry for the death of stitching project. I know you do feel better. lol. Hoping you have a better week.

  6. Frogs hope in frogs hop out!!! LOL I have had a lot of frogs over the years but never taken the shears to any stitching.

  7. Oh my, the poor little project, lol. Was it a heart? I hope that the following days the frog had vanished.

  8. I've been there, done that and bought the t-shirt!! You do lovely work - just remember, it's "supposed" to be joy in the journey! Hope you have happier stitching soon!!! :)

  9. Sometimes you've just got to get tough and tell those frogs what's what.

  10. Used to do custom sewing myself on bridal things. You don't know how many times I wanted to do the same thing to things I was working on. Good for you being brave enough to do it! Hope your "bad" days are over now for a while. Great stitched projects tho! Thanks for sharing!


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